Sabiendo que la remasterización del remake del primer 'Resident Evil' de 1996 está en camino, esto es, la adaptación a la alta definición con unos retoques a nivel jugable del soberbio arreglo de Game Cube, es lógico que vaya a venir con los habituales logros/trofeos de hoy en día. Porque 'Resident Evil (2015)' saldrá en PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 y Xbox One, y ya sabemos que esas plataformas han interiorizado eso de los logros/trofeos, tan amados por unos y odiados por otros. Es lo que hay.
El caso es que suelen venir bien, aparte de picar al jugador para exprimir más a fondo un juego y luego presumir de ello con los colegas (como se hacía con las recreativas cuando salía tu récord), para saber qué es lo que nos espera. Aunque a estas alturas no queda nada que no sepamos del 'Resident Evil' original. Pero si os pica la curiosidad, aquí tenéis la lista completa de logros/trofeos:
- Like Taking Candy from a Baby: finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher (10G/Bronce)
- Not in the Mood to Die: finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher (10G/Bronce)
- Take that, Zombies!: finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher (20G/Bronce)
- Oh, the Horror: finish the game on Hard difficulty (30G/Plata)
- We're in This Together: finish the game with Jill and Chris (30G/Plata)
- The Survival Horror: finish the game in Real Survival mode (30G/Plata)
- Ghost of a Chance: finish the game in Invisible Enemy mode (100G/Oro)
- Not Just Any Object: obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris (20G/Bronce)
- Extreme Weed Wacker: defeat Plant 42 using Chris (20G/Bronce)
- Written Word is Dead: obtain the "Last Book Vol. 2" using Chris (20G/Bronce)
- An End to a Poor Girl's Misery: defeat Lisa Trevor using Chris (20G/Bronce)
- You da Man, Chris: finish the game using Chris (30G/Plata)
- Grave Digger: defeat a Crimson Head prototype using Jill (20G/Bronce)
- The Key Master: obtain the Helmet Key using Jill (20G/Bronce)
- Giant Snake Got Nothin': defeat Yawn using Jill (20G/Bronce)
- Where the Magic Happens: break into the laboratory using Jill (20G/Bronce)
- Alpha Team's Finest: finish the game using Jill (30G/Plata)
- Get Used To It: die for the first time (10G/Bronce)
- First Kills Are Special: defeat a zombie (10G/Bronce)
- Not Taking Any Chances: burn up a zombie (10G/Bronce)
- Who's the Hunter Now?: defeat a Hunter (10G/Bronce)
- Bravo, Rebecca: save Chris using Rebecca (10G/Bronce)
- What a Great Guy: save Jill using Barry (10G/Bronce)
- Delaying the Inevitable: save Richard with a serum (10G/Bronce)
- That Was Nice of You: save Rebecca from a Hunter (10G/Bronce)
- Trust Him: save Barry from Lisa Trevor (10G/Bronce)
- Sorry I Made You Wait: save Jill from confinement using Chris (10G/Bronce)
- Sorry About the Wait: save Chris from confinement using Jill (10G/Bronce)
- The Nightmare Ends: finish the game saving Rebecca and Jill using Chris (30G/Plata)
- I'm a Member of S.T.A.R.S.: finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill (30G/Plata)
- Every Man for Himself: finish the game without saving anyone using Chris (30G/Plata)
- Every Woman for Herself: finish the game without saving anyone using Jill (30G/Plata)
- Seeing Red: defeat a Crimson Head (10G/Bronce)
- Not Waiting to Exhale: survive your first encounter with Yawn (10G/Bronce)
- Deep Sixed: defeat mother Neptune (10G/Bronce)
- Spider Sense: defeat Black Tiger (10G/Bronce)
- Don't Stop Running: finish the game in three hours (50G/Plata)
- Racing and Pacing: finish the game in five hours (50G/Plata)
- CQC FTW: finish the game using only your knife (no lighter, Defensive Items, and stomping zombie heads) (30G/Plata)
- Ink is for Squids: finish the game without saving (50G/Plata)
- Break Out the Marshmallows!: burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter (30G/Plata)
- Starsenal: obtain all weapons (must load grenade launcher with all shell types) (30G/Plata)
- Passion for Fashion: obtain all costumes (20G/Bronce)
- Every Nook and Cranny: visit all places on all maps (20G/Bronce)
- Platinum Splattin' 'Em!: earn all trophies (Platino)
Más información | Capcom-Unity
En VidaExtra | Resident Evil, el nuevo "inception" de los videojuegos
La noticia ¿A que nunca te imaginaste el primer Resident Evil con logros/trofeos? Pues aquí los tienes fue publicada originalmente en Vidaextra por Jarkendia.
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