Noticia ARK: Survival Evolved y Just Cause 3 entre las Deals with Gold de esta semana


Esta semana tenemos unas ofertas muy tentadoras en las Deals With Gold. Xbox ha ofrecido varios títulos muy atractivos con descuentos mas que interesantes. Entre los que podemos leer a continuación tenemos Just Cause 3 y ARK: Survival Evolved. Para los que no lo conozcan ARK es un juego donde nos encontramos varados en una isla con dinosarios y otras criaturas que podremos amaestrar. Desde la supervivencia más básica podremos ir evolucionando hasta la tecnología más puntera en este juego distinto, que ha recibido excelentes críticas y que recientemente ha llegado también a Nintendo Switch.

Ofertas para Xbox One​

Air Guitar Warrior Gamepad EditionXbox One Game40%
ARK: AberrationAdd-On40 – 50%
ARK: Scorched EarthAdd-On50 – 60%
ARK: Survival EvolvedXbox One X Enhanced50 – 60%
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer’s EditionXbox One X Enhanced40 – 50%
ARK: Survival Evolved Season PassAdd-On25 – 35%
Atomic HeistXbox One Game50%
Battle High 2 A+Xbox One Game80%
Beat This Bundle: Kung-Fu & BeatsplosionXbox One Game40%
Bedlam – The Game By Christopher BrookmyreXbox One Game60%
BirdcakesXbox Play Anywhere40%
Blackwood CrossingXbox One Game40%
Bloody ZombiesXbox One Game60%
Brawlout Standard EditionXbox One X Enhanced50%
Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionXbox One Game67%
Cannon BrawlXbox One Game40%
Circuit BreakersXbox One Game75%
Claws of FurryXbox One X Enhanced25%
CrimsonlandXbox One Game70%
Demon’s CrystalsXbox One Game60%
Die for Valhalla!Xbox One Game30%
Drunk-Fu: Wasted MastersXbox One X Enhanced25%
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World TourXbox One Game67%
Dungeon PunksXbox One Game67%
Earth AtlantisXbox One Game33%
FIFA 19 Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced30%
Forza Motorsport 6 Porsche ExpansionAdd-On75%
FuriXbox One Game50%
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionXbox One Game75%
Guns, Gore and CannoliXbox One Game50%
Hyper SentinelXbox One X Enhanced40%
I Am the HeroXbox One Game15%
I, ZombieXbox One Game50%
Just Cause 3 Ultimate Mission, Weapon and Vehicle PackAdd-On70%
Just Cause 3Xbox One Game70%
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion PassAdd-On75%
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea HeistAdd-On70%
Just Cause 3: Mech Land AssaultAdd-On70%
Just Cause 3: Sky FortressAdd-On70%
Just Cause 3: XXL EditionXbox One Game70%
JYDGEXbox One Game70%
Late ShiftXbox Game Pass40%
Lovely PlanetXbox One Game80%
Moonfall UltimateXbox One Game20%
Mr. ShiftyXbox One Game50%
MulakaXbox One Game40%
Neon ChromeXbox One X Enhanced70%
NeuroVoiderXbox One Game50%
Next Up HeroXbox One Game50%
Nine ParchmentsXbox One X Enhanced60%
No Time To ExplainXbox One Game50%
Overdriven Reloaded: Special EditionXbox Play Anywhere67%
Overlord: Fellowship of EvilXbox One Game75%
Raging JusticeXbox One Game50%
Riddled Corpses EX Xbox One Game33%
Shaq Fu: A Legend RebornXbox One Game50%
SocketeerXbox One Game30%
Solar Shifter EXXbox One Game70%
Steredenn: Binary StarsXbox Game Pass50%
Super Dungeon BrosXbox One Game75%
Super HydorahXbox One Game33%
Super Knight RidersXbox One X Enhanced50%
Tesla vs LovecraftXbox One X Enhanced30%
TeslapunkXbox One Game60%
The Bunker Xbox One Game60%
The Escapists 2Xbox One Game50%
The Escapists 2 Season PassAdd-On50%
The Escapists 2 Special EditionXbox One Game50%
The Escapists 2 – Big Top BreakoutAdd-On50%
The Escapists 2 – Dungeons and Duct TapeAdd-On50%
The Escapists 2 – The Glorious RegimeAdd-On50%
The Escapists 2 – Wicked WardAdd-On50%
The Inner WorldXbox One Game67%
Time RecoilXbox One Game70%
Tiny Troopers Joint OpsXbox One Game75%
Vicious Attack Llama ApocalypseXbox One X Enhanced40%
Way of the Passive FistXbox One Game50%
WE ARE DOOMEDXbox One Game70%
We Are the DwarvesXbox One Game50%
Wired Twin-Stick BundleXbox One Game75%
Worms Battleground: Alien InvasionAdd-On75%
Worms BattlegroundsXbox One Game75%
WulverbladeXbox One Game30%
X-Morph: DefenseXbox One X Enhanced50%
X-Morph: Defense & Zombie Driver BundleXbox One Game50%
XenoraidXbox One Game70%
Yet Another Zombie Defene HDXbox One X Enhanced33%
Zenith Xbox One Game60%

Ofertas para Xbox 360​

Dragon Age 2Backward Compatible50%
Dragon Age: OriginsBackward Compatible67%
Final ExamArcade80%
Frontlines: Fuel of WarBackward Compatible85%
Just Cause 2Backward Compatible90%
Mass EffectBackward Compatible75%
Mass Effect 2Backward Compatible60%
Mass Effect 3Backward Compatible60%
Red Faction: GuerillaGames On Demand85%
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2Games On Demand85%

La entrada ARK: Survival Evolved y Just Cause 3 entre las Deals with Gold de esta semana se publicó primero en OneWindows - Windows 10, Mobile y WP, noticias y aplicaciones.

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