Noticia Confirmado, iOS 8.4.1 deja de ser compatible con el jailbreak de TaiG

Tal y cómo se esperaba, el jailbreak deja de ser posible en iOS 8.4.1, por lo que si no habéis actualizado a iOS 8.4, hacedlo cuanto antes mientras Apple siga firmándolo, ya que cuando deje de hacerlo será imposible instalar otra versión que no sea iOS 8.4.1.

  • AppleFileConduit Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A maliciously crafted afc command may allow access to protected parts of the filesystemDescription: An issue existed in the symbolic linking mechanism of afc. This issue was addressed by adding additional path checks.CVE-IDCVE-2015-5746 : evad3rs, TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • Air Traffic Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: AirTraffic may have allowed access to protected parts of the filesystemDescription: A path traversal issue existed in asset handling. This was addressed with improved validation.CVE-IDCVE-2015-5766 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • Backup Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A malicious application may be able to create symlinks to protected regions of the diskDescription: An issue existed within the path validation logic for symlinks. This issue was addressed through improved path sanitization.CVE-IDCVE-2015-5752 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • Code Signing Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A malicious application may be able to execute unsigned codeDescription: An issue existed that allowed unsigned code to be appended to signed code in a specially crafted executable file. This issue was addressed through improved code signature validation.CVE-IDCVE-2015-3806 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • Code Signing Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A specially crafted executable file could allow unsigned, malicious code to executeDescription: An issue existed in the way multi-architecture executable files were evaluated that could have allowed unsigned code to be executed. This issue was addressed through improved validation of executable files.CVE-IDCVE-2015-3803 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • Code Signing Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A local user may be able to execute unsigned codeDescription: A validation issue existed in the handling of Mach-O files. This was addressed by adding additional checks.CVE-IDCVE-2015-3802 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
    CVE-2015-3805 : TaiG Jailbreak Team
  • IOHIDFamily Available for: iPhone 4s and later, iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and laterImpact: A local user may be able to execute arbitrary code with system privilegesDescription: A buffer overflow issue existed in IOHIDFamily. This issue was addressed through improved memory handling.CVE-IDCVE-2015-5774 : TaiG Jailbreak Team

Cómo podéis ver en su lista de cambios relacionada con la seguridad, Apple reconoce que TaiG ha descubierto varias vulnerabilidades, las cuáles obviamente, han sido utilizadas para poder realizar jailbreak a iOS 8.4.

Por lo demás, dudo bastante que nadie vaya a lanzar un jailbreak para iOS 8.4.1, ya que estando iOS 9 a la vuelta de la esquina, no tiene ningún sentido quemar algún exploit en una versión que realmente no aporta nada para el usuario final.


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