Finalmente Xbox ha lanzado sus descuentos para el Black Friday, lo hace de forma anticipada para los usuarios Xbox Live Gold, mientras que para el resto de usuarios habrá que esperar al 19 de Noviembre. Si no te decides, estas ofertas terminarán el 26 de Noviembre, por lo que tienes tiempo para decidir cuantos quieres añadir a tu colección.
Ofertas para Xbox One
1979 Revolution: Black FridayXbox One Game30% / 40%
A Hat in TimeXbox One Game30% / 40%
ABZÛXbox One Game40% / 50%
Adventure Time: Pirates of the EnchiridionXbox One Game40% / 50%
ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MANXbox One Game67% / 75%
ARK: AberrationAdd-On40% / 50%
ARK: Scorched EarthAdd-On50% / 60%
ARK: Survival EvolvedXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer’s EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
ARK: Survival Evolved Season PassAdd-On25% / 35%
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – DELUXE EDITION*Xbox One X Enhanced25% / 33%
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – GOLD EDITION*Xbox One X Enhanced25% / 35%
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – ULTIMATE EDITION*Xbox One X Enhanced25% / 35%
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey*Xbox One X Enhanced25% / 33%
Assassin’s Creed Origins – DELUXE EDITIONXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Assassin’s Creed Origins – GOLD EDITION*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Season PassAdd-On25% / 33%
Assassin’s Creed Origins*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
Assassin’s Creed The Ezio CollectionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Assassin’s Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, SyndicateXbox One Game50% / 60%
Assetto CorsaXbox One Game17% / 25%
Assetto Corsa Ultimate EditionXbox One Game05% / 15%
BastionXbox One Game67% / 75%
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium EditionXbox One Game67% / 75%
Batman: Return to ArkhamXbox One Game67% / 75%
Battle Chasers: NightwarXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Ben 10Xbox One Game60% / 67%
Black The FallXbox One Game40% / 50%
Borderlands: The Handsome CollectionXbox One Game60% / 67%
Brothers: A Tale of Two SonsXbox One Game60% / 70%
Burnout Paradise RemasteredXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Digital Deluxe Enhanced*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 10%
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Digital Deluxe*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 10%
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4*Xbox One X Enhanced10% / 20%
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredXbox One Game40% / 50%
Call of Duty: WWII – Digital DeluxeXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Call of Duty: WWII – Gold EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Cars 3: Driven to Win*Xbox One Game60% / 67%
Conan ExilesXbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Construction Simulator 2 US – Console EditionXbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyXbox One X Enhanced25% / 35%
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Great White Shark Card BundleXbox One Game25% / 35%
Crossout – Arachnophobia PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Crossout – Frostburn Pack Add-On40% / 50%
Crossout – Harsh Weekday packAdd-On40% / 50%
Crossout – The Inventor Pack Xbox One Game40% / 50%
CupheadXbox Play Anywhere20% / 20%
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First SinXbox One Game67% / 75%
DARK SOULS IIIXbox One Game60% / 67%
DARK SOULS III – Deluxe EditionXbox One Game60% / 67%
DayZ (Game Preview)Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 15%
de Blob 2Xbox One Game67% / 75%
Dead CellsXbox One Game10% / 20%
DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last RoundXbox One Game40% / 50%
Deadbeat HeroesXbox One Game40% / 50%
Deep Rock Galactic (Game Preview)Xbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Defiance 2050: Starter Class PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Destiny 2: ForsakenXbox One X Enhanced17% / 25%
Destiny 2: Forsaken + Annual Pass*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 15%
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Complete Collection*Xbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Digital Deluxe Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 15%
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedXbox One Game75% / 85%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One Game75% / 85%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Season PassAdd-On70% / 80%
Diablo III: Eternal CollectionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
DiRT 4Xbox One Game67% / 75%
Dishonored 2Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
Dishonored Definitive EditionXbox One Game40% / 50%
Dishonored The Complete CollectionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe BundleXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Disneyland AdventuresXbox Game Pass25% / 25%
Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive EditionXbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
DOOMXbox Game Pass17% / 25%
Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC BundleAdd-On60% / 67%
Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year EditionXbox One Game60% / 67%
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ – FighterZ EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ – Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Dragon Ball Xenoverse + Season PassXbox One Game67% / 75%
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2Xbox One Game60% / 67%
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE Super BundleXbox One Game50% / 60%
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark ArisenXbox One Game30% / 40%
Dungeon Defenders II – Vanguard PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition*Xbox One Game50% / 60%
EA SPORTS NHL 19Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
EA SPORTS UFC 3Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
EA SPORTS UFC 3 Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
ElexXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Elite Dangerous Standard EditionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe EditionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season PassAdd-On50% / 60%
F1 2018Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Fallout 4Xbox Game Pass40% / 50%
Fallout 4 Season PassAdd-On60% / 67%
Fallout 4: AutomatronXbox One Game30% / 40%
Fallout 4: Contraptions WorkshopAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 4: Far HarborXbox One Game30% / 40%
Fallout 4: Game of the Year EditionXbox Game Pass50% / 60%
Fallout 4: Nuka-WorldAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 4: Vault-Tec WorkshopAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 4: Wasteland WorkshopAdd-On30% / 40%
Far Cry 5Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Far Cry 5 Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Far Cry 5 Season PassAdd-On25% / 35%
FeXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Fear Effect SednaXbox One Game30% / 40%
FIFA 19 Champions Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
FIFA 19*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HDXbox One Game40% / 50%
FINAL FANTASY XV Royal EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Fishing Sim WorldXbox One Game25% / 35%
Fishing Sim World Deluxe EditionXbox One Game25% / 35%
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over ChinaXbox One Game40% / 50%
For Honor Standard Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
For Honor Year 1: Heroes BundleAdd-On20% / 30%
For Honor: Marching Fire Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Forgotton AnneXbox One Game20% / 30%
Forsaken RemasteredXbox One X Enhanced17% / 25%
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionXbox Game Pass25% / 25%
Forza Horizon 4 Standard EditionXbox Play Anywhere35% / 35%
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionXbox Game Pass20% / 20%
Forza Motorsport 7 Car PassAdd-On75% / 75%
Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe EditionXbox Game Pass35% / 35%
Forza Motorsport 7 Standard EditionXbox Game Pass50% / 50%
Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate EditionXbox One Game25% / 25%
Gears of War 4Xbox Game Pass60% / 75%
Gears of War 4 Ultimate EditionXbox Play Anywhere60% / 75%
Get EvenXbox One Game67% / 75%
Goat SimulatorXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Goat Simulator DLC BundleAdd-On60% / 70%
Grand Theft Auto VXbox One Game25% / 35%
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash CardXbox One Game25% / 35%
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online EditionXbox One Game35% / 45%
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card BundleXbox One Game40% / 50%
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleXbox One Game40% / 50%
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card BundleXbox One Game40% / 50%
GTA Online: Criminal Enterprise Starter PackAdd-On25% / 35%
GTA Online: Megalodon Shark CardAdd-On05% / 15%
GTA V Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Megalodon Shark Card BundleAdd-On25% / 35%
GTA V Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Whale Shark Card BundleAdd-On25% / 35%
Human Fall FlatXbox Game Pass40% / 50%
Immortal: UnchainedXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Impact WinterXbox One Game67% / 75%
Injustice 2Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Injustice 2 – Legendary Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Insane RobotsXbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Insane Robots – Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Jurassic World EvolutionXbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Jurassic World Evolution – Deluxe ContentAdd-On05% / 15%
Jurassic World Evolution – Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Just Dance 2019*Xbox One Game40% / 50%
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced EditionXbox One Game40% / 50%
Killer Instinct: Definitive EditionXbox Play Anywhere67% / 75%
Kingdom Come: DeliveranceXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – From the AshesAdd-On25% / 33%
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Treasures of the PastAdd-On25% / 33%
Kingdom: New LandsXbox Game Pass50% / 60%
King’s Quest : The Complete CollectionXbox One Game60% / 67%
Lara Croft and the Temple of OsirisXbox One Game75% / 85%
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass PackXbox One Game75% / 85%
Laser LeagueXbox Game Pass17% / 25%
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe EditionXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO City UndercoverXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition*Xbox One Game10% / 20%
LEGO DC Super-Villains*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 15%
LEGO Jurassic WorldXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Marvel Super HeroesXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Season PassAdd-On40% / 50%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes BundleXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Deluxe BundleXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
LEGO Marvel’s AvengersXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe EditionXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Season PassAdd-On67% / 75%
LEGO Movies Game BundleXbox One Game60% / 70%
LEGO STAR WARS: The Force AwakensXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe EditionXbox One Game67% / 75%
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season PassAdd-On67% / 75%
LEGO The IncrediblesXbox One Game40% / 50%
LEGO Worlds*Xbox One Game40% / 50%
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)Xbox One Game70% / 80%
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete SeasonXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Little Nightmares Complete EditionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Mad MaxXbox One Game67% / 75%
Madden NFL 19Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Madden NFL 19: Hall of Fame EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Mafia IIIXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Mafia III Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Marvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteXbox Play Anywhere60% / 60%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Deluxe EditionXbox Play Anywhere60% / 60%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Character PassAdd-On60% / 60%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Premium Costume PassAdd-On60% / 60%
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Deluxe Recruit EditionXbox One Game60% / 67%
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Standard Recruit EditionXbox One Game60% / 67%
Mega Man Legacy CollectionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo PackXbox One Game40% / 50%
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2Xbox Game Pass40% / 50%
Mega Man X Legacy CollectionXbox One Game17% / 25%
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2Xbox One Game17% / 25%
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2Xbox One Game17% / 25%
Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive ExperienceXbox One Game40% / 50%
Metal Gear SurviveXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Metro 2033 ReduxXbox One Game67% / 75%
Metro Last Light ReduxXbox One Game67% / 75%
Metro Redux BundleXbox One Game67% / 75%
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Season PassAdd-On67% / 75%
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor – Game of the Year Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced20% / 20%
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Expansion PassAdd-On75% / 75%
Middle-earth: Shadow of War*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 60%
MINITXbox One Game25% / 33%
Monster Energy Supercross – Special EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official VideogameXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Monster Hunter: WorldXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Monster Hunter: World Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Monster Hunter: World – Deluxe KitAdd-On30% / 40%
Mortal Kombat X – Kombat PackAdd-On67% / 75%
Mortal Kombat X – Kombat Pack 2Add-On67% / 75%
Mortal Kombat X – XL PackAdd-On67% / 75%
Mortal Kombat XL*Xbox One Game60% / 70%
My Brother RabbitXbox One X Enhanced10% / 20%
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi StrikerXbox One Game30% / 40%
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker Deluxe EditionXbox One Game20% / 30%
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2Xbox One Game25% / 35%
NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
NBA 2K19*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
NBA LIVE 19Xbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Need for Speed PaybackXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Need for Speed Payback – Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition PackAdd-On30% / 40%
Neverwinter: Epic Edition PackAdd-On30% / 40%
Neverwinter: Starter Edition PackAdd-On30% / 40%
NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS EditionXbox One X Enhanced25% / 33%
Night in the WoodsXbox One Game30% / 40%
No Man’s SkyXbox One X Enhanced10% / 20%
OctahedronXbox One Game20% / 30%
Oh My GodheadsXbox One Game30% / 40%
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive EditionXbox One Game40% / 50%
Overcooked! 2Xbox One Game17% / 25%
Overwatch Legendary EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
Paladins Champions PackXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Paladins Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Paladins Season Pass 2018Add-On40% / 50%
PAYDAY 2 – CRIMEWAVE EDITION – THE BIG SCORE Game BundleXbox Game Pass40% / 50%
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITIONXbox Game Pass40% / 50%
Phantom Dust – Multiplayer Content PackAdd-On75% / 75%
Pillars of Eternity – Complete EditionXbox One Game50% / 60%
Pinball FX 3 – Carnivals and LegendsAdd-On50% / 50%
Pinball FX 3 – Core CollectionAdd-On70% / 70%
Pinball FX3 – Aliens vs. PinballAdd-On60% / 60%
Pinball FX3 – Star Wars Pinball: The Last JediAdd-On30% / 30%
Planet of the Apes: Last FrontierXbox One Game20% / 30%
Portal KnightsXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Portal Knights – Bibot BoxAdd-On20% / 30%
Portal Knights – EmojiAdd-On20% / 30%
Portal Knights – Lobot BoxAdd-On20% / 30%
Prey + Dishonored 2 BundleXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Prey: Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019Xbox One X Enhanced50% / 50%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 David Beckham EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 50%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Legend EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 50%
Project CARS 2Xbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Project CARS 2 Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Project CARS – Game of the Year EditionXbox One Game60% / 70%
Prototype Biohazard BundleXbox One Game60% / 67%
Q.U.B.E. 2Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Quantum BreakXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
ReCore Definitive EditionXbox Game Pass25% / 25%
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced05% / 10%
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced05% / 10%
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredXbox One Game50% / 60%
RIDEXbox One Game40% / 50%
Rise of the Tomb Raider Season PassAdd-On67% / 75%
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year CelebrationXbox Game Pass70% / 80%
Roblox – Fashionista Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Roblox – Trendy Tycoon Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Rock Band 4 Rivals BundleXbox One Game25% / 35%
Rock Band 4 Rivals ExpansionAdd-On25% / 35%
Rocket LeagueXbox Game Pass40% / 50%
Rogue Trooper ReduxXbox One Game60% / 70%
Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Fame and StrategyXbox One Game40% / 50%
Romancing SaGa 2Xbox Play Anywhere17% / 25%
Rush: A DisneyPixar AdventureXbox Game Pass25% / 25%
Ryse: Legendary EditionXbox Game Pass67% / 75%
Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega BattleXbox One Game67% / 75%
Saints Row IV: Re-ElectedXbox One Game67% / 75%
Saints Row: Gat Out of HellXbox One Game67% / 75%
ScreamRideXbox Game Pass67% / 75%
Scribblenauts Mega Pack*Xbox One Game25% / 35%
Scribblenauts Showdown*Xbox One Game40% / 50%
Sea of ThievesXbox Play Anywhere50% / 50%
SEGA Genesis ClassicsXbox One Game25% / 33%
Shadow of the Tomb RaiderXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Croft EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Season PassAdd-On25% / 33%
Shenmue I & IIXbox One Game25% / 33%
Shining Resonance RefrainXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionXbox One Game75% / 85%
SMITE Ultimate God Pack BundleAdd-On60% / 67%
Sniper Elite 4Xbox Game Pass60% / 70%
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe EditionXbox Game Pass60% / 70%
SONIC FORCES Digital Standard EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Sonic ManiaXbox One X Enhanced17% / 25%
South Park: The Fractured but WholeXbox One Game60% / 70%
South Park: The Fractured but Whole – Gold Edition*Xbox One Game67% / 75%
South Park: The Fractured but Whole – SEASON PASSAdd-On25% / 33%
STAR WARS Battlefront IIXbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
State of Decay 2Xbox Game Pass35% / 35%
State Of Decay 2: Ultimate EditionXbox Game Pass35% / 35%
State of Decay: Year-One Survival EditionXbox Game Pass67% / 75%
STEEPXbox One X Enhanced17% / 25%
Steep X Games Gold Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
StriderXbox One Game70% / 80%
Sunset OverdriveXbox Game Pass25% / 35%
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionXbox One Game25% / 35%
Sunset Overdrive Season PassAdd-On60% / 67%
Super Bomberman RXbox One Game40% / 50%
Super Lucky’s TaleXbox One Game25% / 25%
SUPERHOTXbox One Game30% / 40%
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLETXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Tekken 7Xbox One Game40% / 50%
TEKKEN 7 – Rematch EditionXbox One Game20% / 30%
TERA: Dragonrider PackAdd-On05% / 15%
TERA: Hellwing Triple Flight PackAdd-On40% / 50%
TERA: HYDRATH Uniform PackAdd-On40% / 50%
TERA: Starter Pack DeluxeAdd-On40% / 50%
TERA: SWAT Uniform PackAdd-On40% / 50%
TerrariaXbox Game Pass40% / 50%
TerraTechXbox One Game20% / 30%
The BioWare BundleXbox One Game60% / 67%
The Crew 2 Standard Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
The Crew 2 – Deluxe Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
The Crew 2 – Gold EditionXbox One X Enhanced35% / 45%
The Disney Afternoon CollectionXbox One Game67% / 75%
The Elder Scrolls OnlineXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
The Elder Scrolls Online: CollectionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
The Elder Scrolls Online: SummersetXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector’s EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector’s Edition UpgradeAdd-On50% / 60%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset UpgradeAdd-On50% / 60%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
The Evil Within Digital BundleXbox One Game40% / 50%
The Evil Within Season PassAdd-On40% / 50%
The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA TOURXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
The Jackbox Party Pack 5Xbox One Game17% / 25%
The LEGO Movie Videogame*Xbox One Game60% / 67%
The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video GameXbox One Game60% / 70%
The Long DarkXbox Play Anywhere40% / 50%
The Sims 4 Bundle – City Living, Vampires, Vintage Glamour StuffAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 Bundle – Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen StuffAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 Cats & DogsAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 City LivingAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
The Sims 4 Dine OutAdd-On30% / 40%
The Sims 4 Get to WorkAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 SeasonsAdd-On40% / 50%
The Sims 4 VampiresAdd-On30% / 40%
The Sims 4 Xbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
The Talos PrincipleXbox One X Enhanced25% / 33%
The Witcher 3: Wild HuntXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and WineAdd-On40% / 50%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete EditionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Expansion PassAdd-On40% / 50%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of StoneAdd-On40% / 50%
ThiefXbox One Game75% / 85%
This is the Police 2Xbox One X Enhanced25% / 33%
ThumperXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
Titan QuestXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
Titanfall 2: Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced75% / 85%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands : Year 2 PassAdd-On10% / 20%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Season PassAdd-On20% / 30%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Standard EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six SiegeXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege + The Division BundleXbox One Game60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Advanced EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Complete EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Gold EditionXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Year 3 PassAdd-On20% / 30%
Tom Clancy’s The DivisionXbox Game Pass70% / 80%
Tom Clancy’s The Division Gold EditionXbox Game Pass70% / 80%
Tom Clancy’s The Division Season PassAdd-On50% / 60%
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionXbox One Game70% / 80%
Trove – Amperium Dragon PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Trove – Botanical BlasterAdd-On30% / 40%
Trove – Eclipse PackAdd-On60% / 70%
Trove – Geodian Super PackAdd-On17% / 25%
Trove – Resistor Dragon PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Trove – Vanguardian Super PackAdd-On17% / 25%
TurokXbox One Game67% / 75%
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3Xbox One Game50% / 60%
Unravel TwoXbox One X Enhanced30% / 40%
Unravel Yarny BundleXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Valkyria Chronicles 4Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
VirginiaXbox One Game50% / 60%
War Thunder – Dora PackAdd-On40% / 50%
War Thunder – IS-6 PackAdd-On40% / 50%
War Thunder – King Tiger PackAdd-On40% / 50%
War Thunder – Mustang PackAdd-On40% / 50%
War Thunder – T29 PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Warface – Collector’s Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Warface – Engineer Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Warface – Medic Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Warface – Rifleman Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Warface – Sniper Starter PackAdd-On10% / 20%
Warframe – Jade Axa BundleAdd-On30% / 40%
Warframe: Exclusive Prestige Pack XIAdd-On20% / 30%
Warframe: Starter PackAdd-On40% / 50%
Warhammer: Vermintide 2Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 UltimateXbox One Game50% / 60%
Watch Dogs 2Xbox One Game60% / 70%
Watch Dogs 2 – Deluxe EditionXbox One Game60% / 70%
Watch Dogs 2 – Gold EditionXbox One Game60% / 70%
Watch_Dogs 2 – Season PassAdd-On50% / 60%
Wizard of LegendXbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season PassAdd-On30% / 40%
Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusXbox One X Enhanced60% / 67%
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One Game60% / 67%
Wolfenstein: The New OrderXbox One Game40% / 50%
Wolfenstein: The Old BloodXbox One Game40% / 50%
Wolfenstein: The Two-PackXbox One Game40% / 50%
World of Tanks – Dual Trainer Mega Bundle (Captured Mega Bundle)Xbox One Game10% / 20%
World of Tanks – PAINGOD’s Picks T23E3/FV201 MegaXbox One Game20% / 30%
World of Tanks – Team France All-Stars UltimateXbox One Game20% / 30%
WWE 2K19 Digital Deluxe Edition*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
WWE 2K19*Xbox One X Enhanced40% / 50%
XCOM 2Xbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
XCOM 2 CollectionXbox One X Enhanced50% / 60%
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe EditionXbox One X Enhanced67% / 75%
XCOM 2: War of the ChosenAdd-On50% / 60%
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionXbox Game Pass25% / 25%
ŌKAMI HDXbox One X Enhanced20% / 30%
Ofertas para Xbox 360
Alone in the DarkGames On Demand75% / 85%
ArcaniAGames On Demand75% / 85%
Assassin’s Creed IIIBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Assassin’s Creed IV Black FlagBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HDBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Assassin’s Creed RogueBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Burning EarthGames On Demand75% / 85%
Battlefield 3Backward Compatible67% / 75%
Battlefield: Bad Company 2Backward Compatible67% / 75%
Beyond Good & Evil HDBackward Compatible60% / 67%
BioShock InfiniteBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Black Knight SwordArcade75% / 85%
Blue DragonBackward Compatible67% / 75%
BorderlandsBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Borderlands 2Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Brothers: A Tale of Two SonsGames On Demand70% / 80%
Bully Scholarship Ed.Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Burnout RevengeBackward Compatible20% / 30%
Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareBackward Compatible15% / 25%
Call of Duty: Black OpsBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Backward Compatible15% / 25%
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Backward Compatible40% / 50%
CastleStormBackward Compatible70% / 80%
Castlevania Harmony of DespairArcade67% / 75%
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2Backward Compatible65% / 75%
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HDBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Castlevania: Symphony of the NightBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Costume QuestArcade75% / 85%
Crackdown 2Games On Demand67% / 75%
CrysisBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Crysis 2Backward Compatible40% / 50%
Crysis 3Backward Compatible40% / 50%
Darksiders IIBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Darksiders II – Argul’s TombAdd-On75% / 85%
Darksiders II – Death Rides PackAdd-On75% / 85%
Darksiders II – Season PassAdd-On75% / 85%
de Blob 2Backward Compatible75% / 85%
Deadfall AdventuresBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Destroy All Humans! Path of the FuronGames On Demand75% / 85%
Dragon Age 2Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Dragon Age: OriginsBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Dungeon Siege IIIBackward Compatible70% / 80%
EA SPORTS FIFA 19 Legacy EditionGames On Demand40% / 50%
Fallout 3Backward Compatible40% / 50%
Fallout 3: Broken SteelAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 3: Mothership ZetaAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 3: Operation AnchorageAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 3: Point LookoutAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout 3: The PittAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout: New VegasBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Fallout: New Vegas – Dead MoneyAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout: New Vegas – Honest HeartsAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout: New Vegas – Lonesome RoadAdd-On30% / 40%
Fallout: New Vegas – Old World BluesAdd-On30% / 40%
Fantastic PetsGames On Demand75% / 85%
Far Cry 2Backward Compatible60% / 67%
Far Cry 3Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Far Cry 3 Blood DragonBackward Compatible60% / 70%
Far Cry 4Games On Demand40% / 50%
Far Cry ClassicArcade50% / 60%
Fight Night ChampionBackward Compatible40% / 50%
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2Games On Demand40% / 50%
Frogger: Hyper Arcade EditionArcade40% / 50%
Full Spectrum WarriorBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsArcade75% / 85%
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasBackward Compatible25% / 35%
GTA IVBackward Compatible50% / 60%
GyromancerBackward Compatible40% / 50%
I Am AliveBackward Compatible60% / 70%
Just Cause 2Backward Compatible80% / 90%
Kane & Lynch 2Backward Compatible70% / 80%
Kane & Lynch 2 – The Doggie BagAdd-On67% / 75%
Kane & Lynch: Dead MenGames On Demand70% / 80%
Lara Croft and the Guardian of LightBackward Compatible80% / 90%
Lost OdysseyBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Lost Planet 3Games On Demand67% / 75%
Lost Planet ColoniesGames On Demand67% / 75%
Mafia IIBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Mass EffectBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Medal of Honor AirborneBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Mega Man 10Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Mega Man 9Backward Compatible50% / 60%
Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3Backward Compatible40% / 50%
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD EditionBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesGames On Demand40% / 50%
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainGames On Demand40% / 50%
Mini NinjasGames On Demand80% / 90%
Mirror’s EdgeBackward Compatible60% / 67%
MotoGP15Games On Demand75% / 85%
MX UnleashedBackward Compatible75% / 85%
MX vs. ATV AliveGames On Demand75% / 85%
MX vs. ATV ReflexBackward Compatible75% / 85%
MX vs. ATV SupercrossGames On Demand75% / 85%
MX vs. ATV UntamedGames On Demand75% / 85%
NBA JAM: On Fire EditionBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Oblivion – Knights of the NineAdd-On30% / 40%
Oblivion – Shivering IslesAdd-On30% / 40%
OutlandBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory*Backward Compatible75% / 85%
PreyGames On Demand70% / 80%
Prince of Persia ClassicArcade50% / 60%
Quantum ConundrumBackward Compatible65% / 75%
Rainbow Six VegasBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Rainbow Six Vegas 2Backward Compatible60% / 67%
Rayman 3 HDBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Rayman LegendsBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Rayman OriginsBackward Compatible60% / 70%
Red Dead RedemptionBackward Compatible60% / 67%
Red Faction: ArmageddonBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Red Faction: BattlegroundsBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Remember MeGames On Demand67% / 75%
Rocket RiotArcade75% / 85%
Rockstar Table TennisBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Saints RowBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Saints Row 2Backward Compatible67% / 75%
Saints Row IVBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Saints Row: Gat Out of HellBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Saints Row: The ThirdBackward Compatible67% / 75%
ScarygirlBackward Compatible75% / 85%
ScreamRideBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Sid Meier’s Civilization RevolutionBackward Compatible67% / 75%
Silent Hill: HD CollectionBackward Compatible67% / 75%
SINE MORABackward Compatible75% / 85%
Skate 3Backward Compatible67% / 75%
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2Games On Demand75% / 85%
Sniper: Ghost WarriorGames On Demand75% / 85%
Spec Ops: The LineBackward Compatible70% / 80%
SSXBackward Compatible60% / 67%
State of DecayArcade67% / 75%
State Of Decay: BreakdownAdd-On67% / 75%
State Of Decay: LifelineAdd-On67% / 75%
StriderArcade70% / 80%
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade EditionGames On Demand50% / 60%
Supreme Commander 2Backward Compatible67% / 75%
The Darkness IIBackward Compatible70% / 80%
The Misadventures of PB WinterbottomBackward Compatible70% / 80%
The OutfitGames On Demand75% / 85%
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced EditionBackward Compatible75% / 85%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced WarfighterBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2Games On Demand50% / 60%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell BlacklistBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell ConvictionGames On Demand40% / 50%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double AgentBackward Compatible50% / 60%
TorchlightBackward Compatible70% / 80%
Trials FusionArcade60% / 67%
Trials HDBackward Compatible50% / 60%
Valiant Hearts: The Great WarArcade50% / 60%
Watch DogsGames On Demand60% / 67%
XCOM: Enemy WithinBackward Compatible70% / 80%
Yosumin! LIVEBackward Compatible40% / 50%
Zombie Driver HDArcade75% / 85%
La entrada El Black Friday de Xbox ya está aquí se publicó primero en OneWindows - Windows 10, Mobile y WP, noticias y aplicaciones.
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