Noticia Insomniac Games celebra su 20 aniversario con un vídeo muy loco


‘Disruptor’, el llameante Spyro, el dúo Ratchet y Clank… No opongáis “resistencia”, seguro que al menos uno de esos os suena. ¿Sabríais decir qué tienen en común? Es bastante evidente: todos han sido creados por Insomniac Games. Y a lo tonto sus responsables han cumplido 20 años en esta industria, que se dice pronto, con lo que hay que pensar en algo para celebrarlo…

¿Qué tal con una canción? No sería mala idea… Un momento, ¡que es lo que ha hecho Ted Price, CEO de Insomniac Games, y su equipo! Eso es tener clase. Además en plan rockero y echando la vista a los noventa. ¿Seréis capaces de encontrar todas sus referencias con la letra? Preparaos.

Crazy Ride – Insomniac Games

“20 years ago, when grunge was born we opened our doors.
Spyro got us rolling. Building our tools. Dragons were cool.
Ratchet came along. Bitchin’ guns. Man it was fun.
Resistance took us farther. A little bit darker.
By the way we killed Hale.
We killed Hale.
He’s dead. Oh!

See the blood, the sweat, the tears.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.
Fueled by Diet Coke and beer.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.
Come on take a look inside.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.
Join us on a crazy ride.
We’re making our games. We’re making our games.
For you!

Hold up, Ted. That’s in the past.
I’m aghast at the vast accolades we’ve amassed.
But now is now. And we move fast.
Always go Ford – we built to last.
No filter pass, so we keep it raw.
Killin’ it daily – dodge the law.
Sign NDAs for what you saw.
Future so fly it is KA-KAAAW!
Sunset Overdrive is on the rise.
It’s a lot a bit crazy as the name implies.
Got style and madness only we devise.
Engagin’ us more than the Enterprise
We beyond the skies. That’s no surprise.
We got Outernauts – on phone device.
That’s just the start of what we mobilize
A snippet of our goods like circumcise.
New intellectual properties.
That’s one of our core philosophies.
Try to ask what they are we’ll bob and weave.
Find out for yourself like Socrates.
Candelabra, please! Let’s light the fire.
Benefits for a King – screw the squire.
Medical, dental, vision and retire.
Even LTD if the sitch is dire.
Got a studio in Durham – a new addition.
Still make great games, less smog emission.
On top of that – fully stocked kitchen.
Limitless muffins? That’s straight bitchin’.
But now we switchin’ back to the start.
Who we do it all for is the main part
Of who we are. Fans are the heart.
Plus mind and body. That’s straight Descarte.
So, we goin’ into Overdrive just for you.
We’ve made a few mistakes, but we’re plowing through.
Cuz we grew up slew and now we brew what’s new.
Don’t sleep on us. Ted, that’s your cue.

See the blood, the sweat, the tears.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.
Fueled by Diet Coke and beer.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.

Come on take a look inside.
We’re making your games. We’re making your games.
Join us on a crazy ride.
We’re making our games. We’re making our games.
For you!”

Sitio oficial | Insomniac Games

La noticia Insomniac Games celebra su 20 aniversario con un vídeo muy loco fue publicada originalmente en Vidaextra por Jarkendia.



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