Noticia Las Deals with Gold de esta semana llegan con Overcooked y Dungeons 3


Ya tenemos disponibles las listas de ofertas Xbox con las Deals with Gold de esta semana, ofertas que estarán disponibles hasta el próximo 15 de Abril. Este semana tenemos una lista algo más corta de lo que últimamente estábamos acostumbrados, pero no deja de tener interesantes ofertas para juegos y contenido. Podéis verlas todas en las siguientes listas para Xbox One y Xbox 360.

Ofertas Xbox One​

20XXXbox One Game40%
Aces of the Luftwaffe – SquadronXbox One Game20%
Adam’s Venture: OriginsXbox One Game80%
Alekhine’s GunXbox One Game75%
Aven ColonyXbox One Game67%
Dungeons 3 – An Unexpected DLCAdd-On35%
Dungeons 3 – Clash of GodsAdd-On50%
Dungeons 3 – Evil of the CaribbeanAdd-On50%
Dungeons 3 – Lord of the KingsAdd-On50%
Dungeons 3 – Once Upon A TimeAdd-On50%
Dungeons 3Xbox One Game75%
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Directors CutXbox One Game85%
Infinite Air With Mark McMorrisXbox One Game75%
Lichdom: BattlemageXbox One Game75%
MechaNikaXbox One Game25%
Moonfall UltimateXbox One Game50%
OvercookedXbox One Game67%
Overcooked: The Lost MorselAdd-On67%
OwlboyXbox One Game40%
Real FarmXbox One Game80%
Redout – Back to Earth PackAdd-On60%
Redout – Mars PackAdd-On60%
Redout – Space Exploration PackAdd-On60%
Redout: Lightspeed EditionXbox One X Enhanced70%
ReusXbox One Game75%
Revenant DogmaXbox Play Anywhere30%
Steredenn: Binary StarsXbox One Game50%
The Council – Episode 1: The Mad OnesXbox One Game75%
The Council – Episode 2: Hide And SeekAdd-On67%
The Council – Episode 3: RipplesAdd-On50%
The Council – Episode 4: Burning BridgesAdd-On40%
The Council – Episode 5: CheckmateAdd-On33%
The Grand Tour GameXbox One Game25%
The Infectious Madness of Doctor DekkerXbox One Game40%
The King’s BirdXbox One Game30%
Time CarnageXbox One Game50%
Tour de France 2017Xbox One Game75%
Worms Battlegrounds Alien InvasionsAdd-On50%
Worms BattlegroundsXbox One Game75%
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher ChroniclesXbox One X Enhanced30%
Zombie Army TrilogyXbox One Game80%
Ofertas Xbox 360​

Disney BoltBackward Compatible60%
Disney UniverseGames On Demand60%
Faery: Legends of AvalonBackward Compatible80%
HydrophobiaBackward Compatible50%
Ion AssaultArcade80%
JUJBackward Compatible85%
Painkiller Hell & DamnationGames On Demand85%
Red Faction: GuerrillaGames On Demand85%
Split/SecondBackward Compatible60%

La entrada Las Deals with Gold de esta semana llegan con Overcooked y Dungeons 3 se publicó primero en OneWindows - Windows 10, Mobile y WP, noticias y aplicaciones.

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