Noticia Aplicaciones Gratuitas para iPhone/iPad por Tiempo Limitado – 29/07/14

Post de aplicaciones gratuitas por tiempo limitado del martes día 29.

Haciendo click en el botón “App Store” accederás a su correspondiente ficha en la Store española de iTunes, dónde podrás descargarla. Cabe la posibilidad de que encuentres dos enlaces para la misma app; uno para iPhone y otro para iPad.

Las apps se encontrarán gratuitas en un plazo aproximado entre 24 y 72 horas, dependiendo de cada desarrollador. Os pedimos disculpas si alguna app deja de ser gratuita en un plazo menor a 24 horas. Tristemente, muchos desarrolladores juegan con eso a fin de que sus apps puedan aparecer en listados como este. Os damos la libertad de dejaros en los comentarios qué apps han dejado de ser gratuitas en un plazo demasiado corto para tenerlo en cuenta y dejar de apoyar a sus respectivos desarrolladores. Os aseguramos que todas las apps que recopilamos se pueden descargar gratuitamente en el momento que se publica el post. Muchas gracias.


All Budget
Rated: 4+

Price: Gratis Antes: 0,89€ // iPhone

All Budget
Price: Free

Voice SMS
Developer: Talir d.o.o.
Rated: 4+
Price: Gratis Antes: 1,79€ // iPhone

Voice SMS
Price: Free

AdBlock Web Browser - SPEED and PRIVACY!
Developer: AppBird
Rated: 9+
Price: Gratis Antes: 0,89€ // Universal

AdBlock Web Browser - SPEED and PRIVACY!
Price: Free

Timeless: The Multiple Countdown Timer & Stopwatch with Style
Developer: Panos Spiliotis
Rated: 4+
Price: Gratis Antes: 0,89€ // iPhone [Recomendación]

Timeless: The Multiple Countdown Timer & Stopwatch with Style
Price: Free

Lil' Red - An Interactive Story
Developer: Brian Main
Rated: 4+

Price: 3,59 € Antes: 3,59€ // Universal

Lil' Red - An Interactive Story
Price: Free

Splittr - Cost sharing made easy
Developer: Raphael Wichmann
Rated: 4+

Price: Gratis Antes: 1,79€ // iPhone

Splittr - Kosten teilen einfach gemacht
Price: Free

IdeaPlaces - Map Evernote & Quickly Create Notes Anywhere
Developer: Ciprian Rarau
Rated: 4+
Price: Gratis Antes: 3,59€ // iPhone [Recomendación]

IdeaPlaces - Map Evernote & Quickly Create Notes Anywhere
Price: Free

Color Tower
Developer: Tanu Kush
Rated: 4+
Price: Gratis Antes: 0,89€ // Universal

Color Tower
Price: Free

Card Mate Pro - un escáner de tarjetas y lector de tarjetas de aplicaciones, tarjeta de exploración en su teléfono
Developer: Qiwen Zhang
Rated: 4+
Price: Gratis Antes: 2,69€ // iPhone [Recomendación]

Card Mate Pro - Ein Card Scanner & Kartenleser app, scan-Karte in Ihr Handy
Price: Free


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Post about free apps for a limited time on Tuesday the 29th .

By clicking on the “App Store” button you will access the corresponding page in the Spanish iTunes Store, where you can download it. You may find two links for the same app; one for iPhone and one for iPad.

Apps will become free within approximately 24-72 hours, depending on the developer. We apologize if any app stops being free within less than 24 hours. Sadly, many developers play around with this so that their apps can appear on lists like this. We give you the freedom to leave in the comments which apps have stopped being free within too short a time to take into account and stop supporting their respective developers. We assure you that all the apps we collect can be downloaded for free at the marker remover from photo time the post is published. Thank you very much.
It's great to see free app listings, but it's frustrating when developers change prices so quickly. Thanks for keeping track of them! If anyone needs to clean up their images, a marker remover from photo tool can help get rid of unwanted marks easily.